Prossimi Eventi

In collaborazione con Jefte Fanetti alias Mago J

Ecco il calendario dei prossimi eventi magici, inviateci pure i vostri prossimi eventi, che siano conferenze, spettacoli di magia, fiere magiche, congressi, etc… Potete contattarci lasciando un commento qui sotto o alla pagina

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#magia #prestigiazione #prestidigitazione #illusionismo #cartomagia #prestigiatore #illusionista #mentalismo #mentalista #mago 

#magia #prestigiazione #prestidigitazione #illusionismo #cartomagia #prestigiatore #illusionista #mentalismo #mentalista #mago 

A magic convention serves as a gathering for professional magicians, magic enthusiasts, dealers, collectors of magical paraphernalia, books, and ephemera, as well as those devoted to mastering the art of magic. It offers a platform for lectures on various aspects of the craft and features sample performances showcasing notable or groundbreaking techniques. Many conventions also include competitions to assess excellence in specific styles, presenting awards in categories such as sleight of hand, card tricks, mentalism, and stage illusions. The largest magic convention, attended by over 3,500 magicians, is The Blackpool Magician’s Convention.

The MAGIC Magazine Convention Guide offers a comprehensive list of upcoming magic conventions, enabling comparisons based on dates, price, location, number of events, and more. Managed by MAGIC Magazine, the world’s highest-selling magazine for magicians.

The independently operated Magic Convention Guide, the initial dedicated online guide to Magic Conventions, continues to provide news and updates on conventions, along with live coverage of select events. Additionally, they furnish guides to certain conventions, detailing accommodation options, dining, and shopping.

Some conventions are organized by specific magician associations or societies. For instance, the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians, the two oldest and largest magic organizations in the United States, host conventions. The Home Counties Magical Society previously organized ‘Junior Days,’ a convention tailored for younger magicians, now succeeded by an event run by The Magic Circle. The College of Magic stands out as a unique society, offering a 6-year specialist diploma course in magic for students aged 10 and above.

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